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Verlorener Text der Genesis entdeckt

Odin, Sunday, 23.02.2003, 16:53 (vor 7753 Tagen)

Hier eine Sensation aus der Wissenschaft.
Amerikanische Forscher haben einen verlorenen Text aus den ersten Kapiteln der Genesis entdeckt:

Here is the Lost Chapter in Genesis:

Adam was walking around the Garden of Eden feeling

very lonely, so God asked him, "What is wrong with

you?" Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to.

God said that He was going to make Adam a companion

and that it would be a woman. He said, "This person

will gather food for you, cook for you, and

when you discover clothing she'll wash it for you.

She will always agree with every decision you make.

She will bear your children and never ask you to get

up in the middle of the night to take care of them.

She will not nag you and will always be the first to

admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement.

She will never have a headache and will freely give

you love and passion whenever you need it.

Adam asked God, "What will a woman like this cost?"

God replied, "An arm and a leg."

Then Adam asked, "What can I get for a rib?"

The rest is history...

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